Nate Pfeil - The Fire


Unknown said...

this guys theology is so errant, in so many ways that it's sad...i don't know where to start...perhaps here...
"if you multiplied all these physical things (x1000) i [Jesus] went through in the physical it still could not cover your one sin"
so somehow Christ's sacrifice is 'insufficient'...oh, there is so much that's wrong...
It goes on to suggest that God will enjoy punishing people for all eternity in hell - that's a joke according to scripture, a joke. God desires that all would be saved - hence he sent Jesus - so if they don't does his desire change, no. I'm no universalist, definitely not, evil will be judged as it cannot have any place in the new heavens and the new earth in which God will be all in all - but he will not rejoice in those who do not accept the sacrifice of his Son. It breaks his heart to see any of his children lost, hurt...that's the WHOLE point of why he sent Jesus...
I've already wasted too much time responding to's not worth it...

The arrogance and self-righteousness is astonishing. I presume Nate is now perfect and sins no more, ever, and is no longer in need of grace...

Touched Lives said...

much of what he said is very true. why don't christians like to hear the truth. Wide is the way that leads to destruction. many go through it because narrow and difficult is the way that leads to life, few find it